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U.S.A. is Oregon origin BOROSILICATE ART
At the mid-1980s, BOROSILICATE ART to create accessories and various glass art using glass called rag silicate used for the beakers of materials and the physics and chemistry experiment of the bulletproof glass was born till then.
I knead glass in flame more than 2,500 degrees Celsius given by a special gas burner for LAMPWORK and postpone it and I blow it and shut in minerals such as gold, the silver in glass. As temperature falls, a design begins to appear and I gradually leave a fantastic beautiful color and harden.
It is very beautiful glass emitting various light by a reflection of the light, refraction.

Artists having a different background each gather in JAH VIBRATION and, as for the thing of a keyword called the freedom, produce an only glass accessory heartily in the world.

Welcome to jah vibration
Glass art ​


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